Nearly four decades of important scientific advances
Our achievements have helped redefine our understanding of HIV and changed the course of clinical care for AIDS patients. We are proud to share the following major scientific discoveries and achievements made at ADARC:
- Demonstrating the relative homogeneity of HIV-1 in acutely infected persons and providing evidence for a genetic bottleneck during sexual transmission (Zhu, et al, Science. 1993)
- Uncovering the highly dynamic nature of HIV-1 replication in infected persons (Ho, et al, Nature. 1994; Perelson et al, Science. 1996)
- Documenting the antiviral activity of a protease inhibitor in HIV-1-infected patients (Markowitz, et al, N. Engl. J. Med. 1995)
- Identifying CCR5 as a coreceptor for HIV-1 (Deng, et al, Nature. 1996; Dragic, et al, Nature. 1996)
- Discovering a CCR5 mutation that results in protection against HIV-1 infection and rapid disease progression (Liu, et al, Cell. 1996; Huang, et al, Nature Med. 1997)
- Suppressing HIV-1 to undetectable levels for the first time and launching the era of combination antiretroviral therapy (Perelson, et al, Nature. 1997)
- Sequencing of the oldest known sample of HIV-1 in a Congolese man (Zhu, et al, Nature. 1998)
- Quantifying the rapid turnover of T cells in SIV/HIV infection (Mohri, et al, Science. 1998; Mohri, et al, J. Exp. Med. 2001)
- Revealing the dramatic depletion of CD4 T cells in the gut of patients during early HIV-1 infection (Mehandru, et al, J. Exp. Med. 2004)
- Identifying tetherin as a cellular protein that inhibits the release of HIV-1 from the cell surface, and showing its antagonism by VPU (Neil, et al, Nature. 2008)
- Elucidation of how tetherin inhibits HIV release from the surface of infected cells (Perez-Caballero, et al. Cell. 2009)
- MX2 is an interferon-induced inhibitor of HIV-1 infection. (Kane, et al, Nature. 2013)
- Engineering potent HIV-neutralizing antibodies (Pace, et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.. 2013; Song, et al. Nature Biotech. 2013)
- Long-acting integrase inhibitor protects macaques from intrarectal simian/human immunodeficiency virus. (Andrews, et al, Science. 2014; Andrews, et al. Sci. Transil. Med. 2015)
- Engineering an exquisitely potency bispecific antibody against HIV. (Huang, et at. Cell. 2016)
- Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies (Liu et al, Nature. 2020; Liu et al, Sci. Transl. Med. 2022; Liu et al, Immunity. 2023)
- Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 variants (Wang et al, Nature. 2021; Liu et al, Nature. 2022; Iketani et al, Nature. 2022; Wang et al, Nature 2022; Wang et al, Cell. 2023; Wang et al, Nature. 2023)
- Studies on SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors (Charness et al, NEJM. 2022; Tsuji et al, Nature Comm. 2023; Iketani et al, Nature. 2023)