Research Core
The Core Facilities at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center consists of a group of regularly used instruments available to faculty and staff for performing cellular and molecular analysis. The facility technical staff provides routine maintenance of instrumentation, troubleshooting, technical expertise and operational assistance. Alisha A Nanda supervises this facility.
All users, once fully trained and granted access, are able to access the Instrumentation which includes:
- Beckman Coulter 17 color MoFloXDP Cell Sorter
- Guava Easycyte 96 well Cytometer
- BD LSR ll
- BD FACSCalibur
- Nanodrop 1000
- Applied Precision Delta Vision restoration microscope
- GE Biacore T200
General services include DNA analysis, surface cell marker detection, and kenetics of protein to protein interaction.
Our core offers access to flow cytometry equipment and a microscope imaging facility.
Research Core Staff